
amberness - 2005-04-14 13:54:22
Bravo, what a wonderful entry, I had to leave a note just stating that. Beautiful. And yes, I agree with your banner.
ilsoap - 2005-04-14 14:36:17
I came here specifically because of your banner, and I totally agree. Great entry!
Mary - 2005-04-14 20:31:55
*stands up and applauds you*
stardustcboy - 2005-04-14 20:45:27
aaaaah, yes indeed. i think that what we (plurally as a society) must come to realize is that the structures we have built, this system of American Democratic Capitolist Society, that we all so rigidly, obeyingly, blindly making us's rotting us all from the inside out, and sadly, this can be most easily observed in the youth. we assault them with pre-packaged lifestyles, impossible dreams, and unnattainable beauty standards...for a low price of only $ too can be gorgeous, popular, sexy, accepted, loved... a country so bent on morals shouldn't be so morally bankrupt. kill your television. i'm reading you. ~B-)
P-nut - 2005-04-14 21:49:26
i compleatly agree with everything you stated on your web site about young girls and the pictures on that banner really discust me i think the media strongly influences the way girls dress these days, i htink its really sad that parents arnt maybe a little more strict and for girls under the age of 18 they need parents contsent ot get peircings and tatoos and to see R rated movies so i think parents are kind of oblivious as to what their kids are doing. I love your site!!!
Auntie Em - 2005-04-14 22:20:25
Thank you. Beautifully put, and aptly so, this is a horrendous problem. Walk through a local mall on a Friday night, the young girls, as young as 13 are wearing next to nothing, and it gets worse every year.
Kaytee - 2005-04-14 22:52:04
I came here because I saw your banner and completely agreed with it. These girls nowadays are ridiculous. I'm not much older than them, 18, but when I was 13 I was wearing bagging clothes and was not even thinking about looking so sexual and BEING so sexual. And next to some of these girls, I'm a saint! I just want to applaud you for your entry.
Fallon - 2005-04-14 23:18:30
I arrived at your diary by way of that particular banner, and I can't agree more. I was thirteen not too long ago- just seven years- and it's just gone from bad too worse. They want to act grown up and suffer angst and wear sexy clothes, but can't stand the responsibility. That's not to say there aren't a few exceptions, but really. I've all but given up on getting any commitment out of the teenagers when it comes to my 4-H club; I go with the pre-puberty kids if I want something done!
ricky - 2005-04-15 00:37:43
Oh crap! Well, I too came her through the banner but everyone else already said what i was gonna.......except for stardustcboy....... i would have said nothing like that...... seriously, not even close. ok then. Nice site though.
Rachel - 2005-04-15 08:00:05
Came here, again, through that banner, but I just wanted to say that I very much agree. I am 16, and when I was 13 (so long ago, right?) I also wasn't focused on such things, but I'm always surprised when I go to pick up my sister and see even 5th graders wearing...ergh. It's insane. A 5th grade girl wearing a "What Happens at Spring Break..." shirt???
scottski - 2005-04-15 09:40:26
i'm no prude, and will forever love women... but, yeah, thirteen is a little young for the Linda Lovelace Club. so where's their lazy-ass parents? nice layout, BTW.
Jenn - 2005-04-15 09:59:05
Girls aren't only going to think about boys -- some girls at that age are struggling with their sexuality as well. I know I was. While I agree some things are a bit too crass, what constituted healthy? Just something to chew on so as not to generalize...
Stacy - 2005-04-15 12:10:05
I totally agree with you. I have had a few entries as of late discussing the state of teenagers. Boyfriend has two, one of them had not even graduated high school before she became knocked up. Although she made the choice, it is hard, as a parent, to not take the responsibility for her actions. I know for a fact that she was taught better than that, but her logic and reason went out the door in order to keep a boy happy. I am sad that lately I have run across several diaries where the owners are pregnant or have children. One gal became pregnant at 14, had an abortion, then at 16 became pregnant again. My question is "Did you not learn the first time?" Unfortunately, the answer is no. She is still a child herself, and it is only obvious that the ability to logically think through the consequences of her actions is not completely there. It is sad to see these girls dressing the way they do and acting the way they do. I can honestly say, in high school, I NEVER drank, NEVER partied, and stayed pretty much with my high school boyfriend. I remained with him several years through college and after. Sadly, at 24, THEN my binge drinking began. ALthough it was a short stint (less than 8 months), I was still an adult and able to make the decisions. And I also made the decision that that kind of lifestyle was not for me. It really is a shame to see the state of children today, and I'm not much older, not even old enough to be Boyfriend's 15 year old daugther's mother, but I am old enough to see that it is not right.
mentalimages - 2005-04-15 13:23:46
Indeed it does. Well said.
H - 2005-04-15 15:46:38
I'm 15 and i agree. Most girls in my year and two years bellow either arn't virgins, smoke/drink/drugs or are suicidal ect or some all of the above... so yeah i agree with you we do go to far and we will regret it when we are older.
meredith - 2005-04-15 16:20:37
hey i clicked on ur banner because it caught my attention and i read ur entry... ure so right. im 15, and by god ive never been one of those girls that stuck themselves out there to get attention from guys because i tend to have some kind of respect for myself. i had this situation earlier with a guy, i gave him limits on what he could 'do with me' and he got tired of waiting for my parents to let me go out and see him and stuff so he went out with this other girl who was easier to see and get and stuff... but then they broke up, and guess who he came back to? mmhmm. yep, cuz he respected me. but also i noticed that the girls in lower grades than me, even higher ones, are just complete sluts around the guys when they're not getting some sort of attention. im not saying flirting prefusely is a bad thing, but honestly... my best guy friend is using this girl in a grade younger than us because she does things to him. yet he doesn't like her, has no respect for her, and is my best friend and tells me how much he likes me instead. so... yea. dont listen to the ppl when they start to bitch you out about ur banner. if they dont like it, they dont have to click it and they can refresh their window so they dont have to look at it. its a matter of opinion. tell them to shove it. hearts, meredith <3
Olivier - 2005-04-16 00:27:35
I came here because I saw the 13 banner(it is my favorite movie) and as an 18 year old who can say that the movie reminded me of myself when I was 13 and 14, I can honestly say 13 year olds have no real notion about life, so I agree fully. teenagers are getting very out of control.
Missy/Dreya - 2005-04-16 12:20:27
You rock. Seriously. Good for you for saying what thousands of other passive bystanders are scared to voice.
crys - 2005-04-16 13:48:42
Everything in that movie (except the piercings- well visible permanent ones) were me between the ages of 12 and 16. The sex, drugs, cutting, fighting when high... etc etc. I'm now almost 23 and have a 4 yr old daughter. That movie startled me cause I forgot how deep I went down even when I was that young. I first joined AA when I was 14 and a freshman in high school cause I was so outta control and outta touch with myself. I honestly do not believe they are more out of control now. They have only DIFFERENT avenues of expressing themselves now. It's up to us, collectivly to stand up for them and supprt them. At that age- the one responsible for their behaivor is their parents. In the movie, the mother was to caught up in her own recover to really get real with her kid- though she did make quite a lot more effort than most parents would, there was still a detachment between them, probably still hanging from the mother's own using days. The point of this ramble is... Kids are a product of there environment until the either find a NEW environment OR become old enough and mature enough to find their own environment that the feel safe, comfortable and accepted. Unfortunatly, now adays, it turns into the "bad" crowd- of kids seeking life just like themselves, with no real direction. Think about it- EVERY GENERATION says that "kids have it worse these days" and it's because times CHANGE, nothing is ever the same- nor is it different, just in a different form. Also, people tend to have nostalgia for the past and tend to forget the more unpleasant parts of their upbringing, not purposely, but everyone tries to block out the bad things that happened to 'em. Kids are the world. They are going to be the next leaders. To change the kids outlook on life and the way they REACT to it, the adults have to change, lead by example. When my kid acts up- I only have to look at myself to find out why. When I change MY behavior, she NATURALLY FOLLOWS ME. That's my two c... er.. dolla fifty.
crys - 2005-04-16 14:06:24
See, I wrote above before actually finishing to read your entry. And though my before entry remains my correct thoughts, I would like to add something.

It my no means is meant to blame anyone parent, official, councelor what have you. Just as societies grow, so does are understanding in our world around us as with us withen. When my parents were growing up it was acceptable to beat a child until they were black and blue for back talk. My dad- the barbarian- still speaks of it FONDLY when one of us back talks to him now, I'm sure if he was that age again he would feel differently.

And that is just it. They child's mind is don't developed, and I would like to reiterate that it is adults who are the cause of these children. Since they were 2 months old or younger, their parents have sat them in front of a TV.

Children NATURALLY try to immulate adults and the world the see- This is what they see. THAT is what is sad. They don't see the consequences because people are still to scared to mention SEX and be open about natural reproductive and physicological and SEXUAL changes in the mind body and soul.

I am by no means a parent, and I look within myself at least a dozen times a day to figure out where I AM going wrong with my daughter. I do not want to perptuate the never ending cycle. It is going to stop with me. Anyhoo- that's all I got now. I enjoyed your read, and you have 100% valid concerns.

If this is how they are developing now, what is going to happen in there 20's? Parents need to wake up and not be scared or angry but talk to them like you would a friend at this point. It's too late to come in as "super-mommy/daddy" they will be resentful, I know. but be HONEST. They know when your lying.

Ok, one more thing I'd like to add. For at least 30 years, the girls in Italy you know, home of guilt and repression, would only have "Anal Sex so they would still remain a "virgin" when they got married so their families would approve. How's that for disturbing. Sex is sex. Doesn't matter the organ.

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