
Laura - 2004-06-25 11:01:43
Not everyone who goes to Pride is gay. There are children there. There are straight parents supporting their children. There are people who are bi. There are straight people there of all ages who want to have a good time and party with their fellow human beings. You will not be assumed to be gay. I think you have the misconception that everyone at Pride walks around trying to figure out who's "one of us". Pride is about celebration of a diversity of people and being happy about who you are and showing the world that you are, not about who's gay and who's not. Have you ever gone to a gay bar? It's much more comfortable to be in there as a straight woman than in a so-called hetero bar. It's not a meat factory. If a gay person goes into a "straight" bar, why would they be uncomfortable? It's a bar just like any other. Do you think gay people only go to bars to pick up? Is that why they would be uncomfortable in a straight bar, 'cause they don't know who they can hit on? That's crap if that's what you think. Who cares if you go to a place where there might be more straight people than gay. A person's sexual orientation is not at the forefront of their minds when they're out in public. A person is a person regardless of whom they chose to see. And what the hell is super gayness??? You make me sad and angry.

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