
Scion - 2004-12-14 01:17:58
Coming from someone who grew up in somewhat of a similar situation, I can understand your brothers point of view. When life has fucked you over to a certain extent, you don't see it as a reason to go on. Your future doesn't mean anything to you, so you don't care what you waste. I was able to find something (or specifically, someone) that gave me a reason to live. I got over my masochistic death-wish and now I'm a freelance writer/artist. Your brother probably just needs to find that raison d?�tre. That's my two cents, anyway.
Sherri - 2004-12-15 13:27:24
What you said is absoulutly right, You have to just deal with what you are given and rise above it. There were times I got dealt a "crap sandwhich" and I got more out of it and learned to be a better person/parent then what mine were. Your brother will get there!! Have a wonderful day!

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