
Beth - 2005-04-14 11:53:00
I clicked via the "I can't be the only one who thinks 13 year old girls have become too extreme". That isn't seriously what you think is it? Because of a film? Stop stereotyping us, please. Unless of course you know every thirteen year old female in the entire world. Yes, there are some teenagers like the ones you described in your entry, but I think you'll find that most of us aren't! You should stop patronising us, and starting giving us more respect. We're smarter than you'd think. We have morals, we have brains, and we aren't sex obsessed. And actually, you know how adults are all different, and you all have different opinions, and different ideas, and all that? Yeah, it's the same with teenagers. You shouldn't think of us as stupid, or sex-obsessed, or violent, but as people.
Amy - 2005-04-16 23:49:21
I agree with you with the whole 13 year old thing. They show off more skin than I ever would, most 15 year olds have had sex with more guys than I have...things are just different than they were when we were younger. I know that not all young teenagers are like that but honestly, try to find an 17 year old virgin...they're few and far between. On another note, I tried to find your speakers corner video because I think it would be interesting but I must be going to the wrong website.
Amy - 2005-04-17 00:08:06
Ok so I wasn't going to the wrong website, that's where I was, I guess when ya snooze ya lose eh hehe. I used to have a journal on diaryland, I'm not sure if you ever read it but I just got bored for some reason. Anyways...whereabouts do you live in T.O.? I live here too...ahhh dirty Toronto, so disgusting but I love it so!

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