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Emotional Eating
2003, May 15 - 6:21 p.m.

I am an emotional eater. I emotionally eat. This hasn't been the case all of my life, it's fairly recent. Yesterday I figured out why.

My dad. It all boils down to him. He who had the gall to tell me not to come around him anymore because I wouldn't lend him $100.

When Mom died and Jamie and I moved in with him, he gave us chocolate bars. He was out almost everynight and when he wasn't he was glued to the TV and spend little to no time with us. But he did give us chocolate bars. Guilt perhaps, who knows.

So I ate them and when he fixed a fatty, big breakfast I ate that too. He showed love by giving us food, only occasionally at that.

So knowing this now, and believe me it was a huge realization to come to, one that made my eyes cry before I registered the knowledge, I think I can stop my bad eating. Not completly, I d have a sweet tooth, but I can recognize when I am sad or hungry now I think. I have noticed it even yesterday.

I will eat for hunger, not for emotions. There is nothing wrong with satisfying a big craving for candy but lunging at it for comfort is something I will no longer do.

I think this will be the start of something healthy for me.

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<< tradition - modern >>

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