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On September 10th..
2002, September 13 - 11:04 a.m.

I wrote this on September 10

Upstairs two of my housemates are �jamming.� I want to kill them right now. That sort of thing is so inconsiderate. What makes them think that making that sort of noise is acceptable with 6 other people living in this house? I am the only other one around at the moment but it�s the principle of the matter. It�s pissing me off.

I desperately want out. I am looking around for other places to live and when Steph gets back here we can call Jeeters and have a talk with him. Of course we need to find another place to live so perhaps that should come first. This is ridiculous. I want to leave so badly and I wish I had never found this place. I wish I had never even heard of it.

I want an apartment, a nice quiet, clean apartment with no males to make messes and not clean up; a place with no guitars and drums, with no screwy landlord who thinks it�s ok to slum and no one using my dishes and potentially using my soap (I have my suspicions.) I need all of these things for $450 a month or less. In Oakville. That last detail makes all of these things dreams and not my future reality, at least not this year.

I could get a basement apartment but then there are always no guest rules. I can�t live like that again. It�s such an isolated existence and I don�t think I can do it. It�s very hard to make friends when you can�t invite them over.

If Fred was getting evicted as well, then we could get a place with him and he and Steph could take the master and I could take the other bedroom and the rent split three ways would be manageable. But he unfortunately is not getting evicted. I�m not a total ass to say that, he kinda wanted to be evicted.

So basically I�m screwed and it feels terrible. It really sucks when you�re in your second week of college in your second year there and in a new home and meeting new people and all you can think is: I can�t wait until next year because my house is a slum, my housemates annoy the crap outta me and I�m getting evicted in a likelihood of two months, do I thank God or do a voodoo curse on Jeeters, may he get hit with a bus, the bastard?

I know you can appreciate my dilemma. Whoever you all are.

But there are things to be thankful for; small things that are making this house and town a more pleasant place to be. The Internet is being connected tonight. That will be nice; weekends were getting tedious with no internet connection. Another is that I am enjoying my course. I�m making friends and I like my teachers. One seems really arrogant and referred to herself as a professor when she is not, though she seems nice other than that.

The girls in my class seem like nice people. I�d invite them over for lunch if the place wasn�t looking so horrible and bare. It�s almost embarrassing.

It has just hit me again, just how worried I am. I need a place to live. Furthermore, Dad has borrowed so much from me that I have to wait on another GIC to mature in late October. Until then I am to survive on what little I have. I�m scared.

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<< tradition - modern >>

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