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I am Colin Powell. Kyahaha
2002, September 26 - 2:49 p.m.

I don't think I have mentioned this, but I am sick. Very, very sick. I'm sniffling, sneezing, my nose is running, my chest hurts when I breathe, my head is pounding and half the time I'm in a cold sweat. I want to crawl in to a hole and die. I decided to sleep through Into to Desktop Publishing today. From what I understand from my friends, I didn't miss much.

I did go to Research For Print though. My group had to research the State's involvement in this convention involving poverty and environmental issues. It was held by the UN as a whole. I have really begun to understand what sort of a bastard the Bush Administration is and Bush himself. I was to go up and be Colin Powell. My performance got a loud appluase as I outlined why 'we the united states feel that reducing poverty is just a lofty asperation.' Yep, and Bush backed out of the Kyoto treaty involving global warming because he felt it would be bad for business.

Like his country is the only country on the planet and the rest of the world wanting an actual clean planet to live on means nothing. I would hate to be an american right now and have the son of a bitch represent me and my country. Hurray for Canada!

Anyhow, I really want to just lir down and sleep this off (even though I have been sick since Tuesday and it's thursday and no sign yet of a recovery) but I promised Brent I would go with him to Whitby to see his parents who will be up for the evening.

I had cancelled going to Matt Good with him on Tuesday because of how sick I was but I can't cancel this. I'd feel way worse. Hopefully in a few hours there will be some improvement. Ha...

I'm playing Final Fantasy 8 again without the strategy guide. It's such a good game. I'm doing this to console myself over not having 10 yet. I will have to wait til after Christmas, as I am expecting the cost to go down again as it did last year.

I'm remembering anime north 2000 quite a bit. Caitlin and I were Rinoa and Selphie that year. We did awesome and won an award for our performance. As dorkey as it is, Selpie is my favorite character in that game. I love Squall and his melodrama and Zell and his emotional outbursts and Seifer's bad ass coolness but I was Selphie once and I can't help but love her.


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<< tradition - modern >>

Thank You - 2006, June 7
The end - 2006, June 4
Canada Loves Me - 2006, May 31
In and Out - 2006, May 28
Where Have I Been? - 2006, May 25