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Boo to Whiners
2003, June 14 - 6:32 p.m.

I got the Evanessence CD yesterday. Oh My God. What a kick ass group; I think I have found my new favorite band! Such good music! I think I love just about every song. I haven't felt so good about a band since Our Lady Peace put out Happiness is Not a Fish You Can Catch. I'm afraid that my love for that band is wanning. Their music doesn't really do it for me anymore. I started to lose enthusiasm for them after Spiritual Machine. It feels good to have such a great band to listen to. Kick ass!

I got Catholic to try sushi last night. I absolutely adore sushi but she was very skeptical. I never let anyone tell me they hate sushi without trying it first so now that she's had it I am fine with her telling me she doesn't like it. Yeah, that was a disappointment, but she liked Tempura, teriyaki chicken and miso soup, so it wasn't a total bust. She likes cooked Japanese food at the very least.

Aunt Anne-Marie is concerned because we haven't heard from Jamie. I'm not too concerned because he is an 18 year boy and if he needed something, he would tell us... But she is afraid that maybe he is missing and that I should find him, get his phone number and make sure he calls us every so often to inform us he is alive.

That might be a good idea, to know he is alive, but I have to wait until Monday to do that. 'Tis my day off then.

My dad called a little while back. He was on a cell phone. It seems he is not doing without a phone so I can hardly see why he can be mad about that. But back to the actual call, he didn't even say hi, just, "Who helped moved Jamie...!" I hung up when I heard him start out a phone conversation with yelling. If he thinks that is acceptabe phone ettiquette, then he has another thing coming. He phoned back but I didn't answer. What would have been the point in that?

*sigh* Tomorrow is Sunday and that means it will be a long day. I hate Sundays. It seems to be a messy day. I think it has much to do with the excess of families that come on the weekends and leave on Sunday. Messy, messy jerks, those families are. I cringe when I see kids in the hotel halls and pray that they're not going to a room I will have to clean tomorrow.

I heard the whiniest children today too! I mean, here are their parents taking their kids to the Ambassador, a hotel that is nice and has a huge indoor poool with a water slide for pete's sake and these kids are whining! Whining for the sake of whining too. And the parents were letting them misbehave and act like spoiled brats because there were people around...?

If I have kids, no amount of strangers will stop me from telling them not to whine or misbehave or any of the other annoying things kids are so good at doing. I hate it when parents think that people will judge them if they stop their children from being brats in public. Hell no, it's a service to the people around them. Especially me!

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<< tradition - modern >>

Thank You - 2006, June 7
The end - 2006, June 4
Canada Loves Me - 2006, May 31
In and Out - 2006, May 28
Where Have I Been? - 2006, May 25