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Score one for K-Town
2003, September 16 - 9:54 p.m.

W8er Boi wins it all! Score one for Ryan Malcolm, fellow K-Towner! I was pretty sure it would be him for several weeks now. K-town has launched so much talent: The Tragically Hip, Moist, Bryan Adams, Avril Lavigne (Napanee is to K-town as Oakville is to Toronto.) and now Ryan Malcolm. Kick ass.

I also watched Cupid tonight as well. I really love reality TV. Anyhow! The guy I wanted to win, won. Yay! It's almost embarrassing how much I enjoy reality TV.

So, Little Mel and I did this restaurant review the other day and we filmed the experience and put it up on the Sun online. I won't give the address for it, but if you know where I go to school and wish to do a small search then you will find it. I don't make things easy. Kyahaha.

I was at the bank the other day and while I was in line I got a wild view of a man at a teller. That is to say I got a good view of his ass. Which, to be more clear on the matter means, his pants were hanging on by a hair and his ass crack was visible for several inches and his shirt ended right around where his belly button would be if his stomach wasn't hanging over his belt weighing down his pants and causing the moon viewing in the first place.

It was pretty grody. This stiff, uptight woman walked into line was I was being attended to and I caught the look on her face when she saw the crack. Her eyes bugged out and her lips pursed together. I mouthed to her, "I saw it too."

She wasn't in the mood to bond over mutual viewings of an ass crack. She turned abruptly with a huff. Meh.

So I am going to Toronto Fashion Week. Neat, eh? Though I think I will feel like a fish out of water. It seems like this big major deal and I have no idea what I am going to do for my story.

And then I'm also going to The Clothing Show. I feel much less intimidated by that. Actually, I don't feel intimidated by it at all. Perhaps it will break me in a bit to fashion coverage a bit before Fashion Week.

Oh, I'm nervous!

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<< tradition - modern >>

Thank You - 2006, June 7
The end - 2006, June 4
Canada Loves Me - 2006, May 31
In and Out - 2006, May 28
Where Have I Been? - 2006, May 25