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The Dark Twin
2003, September 28 - 12:13 a.m.

These past couple of days have been a unique sort of hell for me.

I'm still sick for starters and that really stinks but Brent's sister and her family came over last night as planned. I hadn't mentioned this because it all happened over the past few days.

They had contacted Brent and asked to spend the night; his sister, her husband, their eight year old daughter and four year old twin boys. Brent and I were against it. He didn't think there would be enough room and I was sick and thus didn't want the children here.

But, we couldn't come up with any good reason to say no and figured that since they were Brent's family, it would be the right thing to do to open our home to all five of them.

They got here by 5:30 pm and were went out for dinner to Crabby Joes at 6:30. Everything went alright, at first. The tables had newsprint and crayons so there was little whining from the kids and everyone was happy. But then after an hour of waiting for our food, everyone was getting ansy.

We were in that place for two hours. The girl was fine and the blond twin was fine but the dark twin, I swear, is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He was fine for awhile but by the end of the two hour stretch, he caught sight of some video games while we were waiting for the cheque.

He threw a tantrum. A major tantrum. Screaming, crying, throwing himself down on the ground, hanging off his mother and all in the restaurant. So I took him outside, away from everyone who was trying to eat. The other kids followed and they behaved quite nicely, playing tag on the empty padio.

Meanwhile, I had the dark twin on the ground. Yes, on the ground. I was holding him from behind and doing my best to not let him go. He screamed bloody murder, convulsed, escaped many times and fought his way back to the door of the restaurant to get back to the games. Brent took over and had better luck restraining this demon child until his parents came. His dad picked his kid up and took him to the car and within two minutes, the screaming child was docile and sucking his thumb. Thank God for small favours.

We went to rent movies and the girl came in the Blockbuster and tried to show us eight different kids movies to rent. We had already planned for them to watch The Last Unicorn in the bedroom while we watched something else. But she was sorely disappointed when she couldn't see Snow Dogs again. *sigh*

Everything went fine for a time after that. The kids stayed relatively quiet, they got set up in the living room, everyone went to sleep.

At 1:30 I awoke to the sound of a child crying. I found Brent's sister and her daughter in the bathroom, the daughter hanging over the toilet throwing up. She had puked in her sleeping bag and her mom didn't know where anything was to get her cleaned up.

So I grabbed some J-cloths for her and then went into the living room to assess the damage. I found the dad lying sound asleep and I must admit I was annoyed. Brent's sister had her hands full cleaning up her daughter and there was vomit sitting on my floor and the sleeping bag and he was sleeping. So, I cleaned it up.

Very disgusting. Very.

I got out a bowl in case of other accidents, offered the use of my vanilla bubble bath for the little girl to have a bath with, when she resisted the idea of cleaning up in the tub, got out a bag to hold the grody sleeping bag and after everything seemed to be under control, I went back to bed.

There were a few more incidents in the night that woke me up and at 6 am I heard the dark twin talking to himself. Loudly, at that. I was in no humour to put up with this so I walked out, saw him and waited until he saw me. He did, eventually and made a big show of pretending to yawn and fall asleep very quickly. I wasn't going to leave it at that, so I bent down to his ear and whispered, "You woke me up. You have to be quiet." I went back to bed and my comment seemed to have worked. I didn't hear him again until 8:30, when everyone was up. The kids made no bones about making noise and I heard a lot of shushing.

What was the point of trying to sleep? I'd had about four hours total and there was no more the be had that morning, that was for sure. Brent's sister washed the sleeping bag in the laundry room and the kids got ready, except the dark twin who "wanted to stay." I informed him he wasn't allowed to stay because I was kicking him out soon and he could either leave in his pajamas or his clothes.

I may sound like an ass in regard to this kid, but I'm no nonsense and this kid was not behaving well from the get go. I told him and all the kids whenever they started whining that my home was a whine free zone and if they were going to whine, they had to go to the cat room because that's where the cats go to do all their whining.

Unfortunately, the girl was still sick and vomited again (in the toilet.) I felt bad for her, she was really upset over being sick on vacation.

I was happy to see the children leave. I like them all quite well, but not staying in my home and driving me crazy. Not when I'm sick anyway. And losing all that sleep caused a relapse in my recovery. I hit another low today and got considerably sicker.

Brent was good though. He gave me the living room to watch a movie and nap as I would. He brought me drinks and when I requested ginger ale and chapstick he went out and got them and also returned with miso soup. I love miso soup. He said he was concerned because I wasn't eating.

I really have no idea what I'd do when I was sick if he wasn't around to help me.

I feel better now but I'm still under the weather. If I'm not better by Monday, I'm going to go to the Health Centre at school and get myself looked at.

An interesting note: Smokey hates my coughing. He meows at me everytime I cough as if to say, "Stop that! You know I hate your coughing!"

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