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2004, August 31 - 10:58 a.m.

I'm feeling better. Yesterday I hit a sicky McSickerson low and and called Ella for help. I asked for orange juice, She brought the orange juice along with apple juice, popcicles, nightquil, dayquil, iron pills, ecanasia (sp?), cans of slimfast, bottles of gingerale and when she got here she made me ginger tea with honey from scratch.

It wasn't bad actually and I usually hate tea. But holy cow! I should have known when I asked Ella for juice, that she'd become care-giver extrordinaire.

I'm still not up to par but I went to bed last night feeling much better than I probably would have yesterday.

Unfortunately, I have to go to the bank, and return a movie today, as neither can wait any longer. The movie is late and the rent is due tomorrow. So that means getting out of pajamas for 10 minutes and out of the apartment. Booo... I can also empty the garbage while I'm at it.

But then back to comfy clothes and comfy apartment and recouperation. *grin* if I begin to feel like complete ass again, I have plenty of drug options, courtesy of Ella. I owe her something like $60. I also owe my dad's girlfriend $30 for everything she grabbed for me for the shower.

I feel a little bit nauseous. I really hope this thing that is attacking me hasn't mutated into a stomach virus. The last thing I need is to be vomiting.

I've been getting e-mails from Ross. He is in Amsterdam now. Stoned I might add. Why else go if not to partake in some very legal mary jane? I recieved a stoned e-mail and for some reason, I miss him so much more now. It was actually very obvious he was stoned in the e-mail too. *sigh* Less than a week until his return.

I told Brent that I would be taking a date to Catholic's wedding. Yeah, that went ok. I said I would be bringing Ella's cousin so she'd know more people and because he's a lot of fun. Brent was very suspicious. But he really did need to be warned I'd be bringing someone, rather than just finding out when he got there. And maybe this will get him moving on finding a date.

Ella thinks that it will be obvious that Ross is more than just her cousin and a pal just from the way I look at him. I accept that as a possible flaw in my plans. Though from having spent time with Brent recently, I really get the impression he is over me. Not neccessarily our relationship, but me in a romantic way. I seriously doubt he is pining for me in any way.

If anything, he is ready to begin casually dating again and as soon as he does that, I am positive he will start asking me about my love life. I completely believe we have made the transition to friendship, almost completely now. Just a couple more hurdles to get over now. He really is a good friend. I appreciate him so much more now that we're not together and we only see each other once a month.

But, I gotta rouse myself enough to get to the bank and Blockbuster. Ughh....

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<< tradition - modern >>

Thank You - 2006, June 7
The end - 2006, June 4
Canada Loves Me - 2006, May 31
In and Out - 2006, May 28
Where Have I Been? - 2006, May 25