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2005, September 20 - 9:09 p.m.

It was the Blue Man Group and wow, were they ever great. Ross and I had a nice dinner, he had new clothes, I had my dress and we looked very nice together.

It would have been a fantastic evening had I not gone to bed with chest pains and then woke up at 4:00 am with intense pressure in my lungs and difficulty breathing.

I didn't really want to but Ross took me to the hospital. I was in agony and breathing was a nightmare. The fact I had was hyperventilating made it worse. It was just bloody scary and painful.

So I was in emergency from 5:00 am until 4:00 pm. Ugh... what they do in emergency is determine if you are going to die immediately. I didn't have anything life threatening, i.e. blood clot in my lung, pneumonia, etc. so they sent me home. Which was fine with me. I was bitter about my day having been wasted for no reason and I wanted to get stuff done.

It took a few hours after I got there but my lungs calmed down. My heart rate dropped back to normal, my fever broke and I no longer needed an oxygen tube. I was still short of breath when I left the hospital but I was no longer fighting for each breath. So that was nice.

While we were there (because Ross stayed there with me the whole time. In fact, the nurses remembered him from when I had appendicitis back in June as the patient boyfriend in the wheelchair who never left my side.) we saw some amusing characters.

We saw a schizophrenic woman who sadly had to be tied to her bed because she kept getting up on her shaky legs instead of lying in bed. I heard her sass the doctors and nurses and, from across the room where I had a good view, not once did I see her give up trying to get out of bed.

She was eventually transferred out and was replaced by a man who looked like an accountant. He had OD'd on ecstasy and was lying in bed for hours and hours while a woman watched over him.

Across the room a man with a foul mouth wanted out of emergency so he could go to church. He demanded a pair of sweat pants after he accidently pissed all over himself and the floor. While he was waiting he got out of bed with nothing on but a shirt. I got a perfect view of his ass. He was holding his shirt down over his junk and claimed he was covered up. "There are women here," a nurse was scolding him, "They don't want to see that!"

I heard such phrases from him such as "Fucking, Jesus Christ fuck!" and when the nurse reprimanded him he informed her "God knows where my heart is, God forgives me everything I do and say."

Then after he left the accountant man woke up and began stripping off everything, his gown, tubes, IV, everything. "What are you doing?" That poor woman was horrified. I saw plenty. The nurses ran in and asked him things like, "Do you know where you are?"
"Where are you?"
"In a hospital."
"Do you know how you got here?"
"Well, now, that's a good question."

Evidently it was his first time using drugs and look what happened to the poor bastard, who honestly looked the furthest thing from a drug user ever.

As for the woman who was wheeled in drunk out of her mind, "I'm..." it seemed like she had been a good friend of substances for quite some time.

Before I left there was a man brought in with a neck brace from a bicycle accident. He ripped off the brace and his neck was bleeding. He didn't seem concerned about possible damaging his neck or spinal cord. That little stunt put the staff in hysterics, "Stop that! Stop that before you hurt yourself! Can't you see you're putting yoruself in danger?"
"Grr, I'm fine!"

Definitely a colourful day in Emerge.

But it also meant I couldn't get my ring back that day. So I got Nintendogs. I've been falling in love with them and now I have them for myself. I also started taking anti-inflamatory pain killers which have really helped me.

And I did get my ring the next day.

Thank God.

In other news I'm considering applying for a PR job at H.Place. Closed captioning is getting boring. I like the people I work with but I need something more, something new. I need to feel alive.

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<< tradition - modern >>

Thank You - 2006, June 7
The end - 2006, June 4
Canada Loves Me - 2006, May 31
In and Out - 2006, May 28
Where Have I Been? - 2006, May 25