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Children's Stories
2005, December 18 - 2:59 p.m.

I have the whole afternoon to myself today and I am NOT going Christmas shopping. Damn Hell, it's a Sunday and I am not suicidal. I'm going tomorrow in the early afternoon. Say a prayer.

Ross and I saw King Kong last night and Oh My God was it good. So good. It's long, sure, but it didn't feel like a three-hour movie. I absolutely loved it. And that's all I'll say. I'm no spoiler-giving type of person.

The sleep I've had the past couple days has been really good. When Ross got into town he held me on his lap and cuddled me. Said how much he missed me, how much he loved me and most importantly: I would sleep that night.

And I did. And I slept last night too.

I wish I weren't dependant on him to sleep. Before him I had ass bad sleep but I was used to it. Now I'm not. I'm not sure what to do about that. I'm not about to sleep without him until I get used to it. That would be really stupid considering I'll be living wtih him in about four months.

Yeah... I know I'm just going to leave it alone. I could go on this big tangent and say I'll get it fixed and I'll talk to someone, blah, blah, blah. Nope. I'm far too lazy for that. And I'm not motivated now that I'm well-rested.

Quick subject change-- I began a children's story. Just to see if I could. I've realized it's a bit trickier than I thought. You have to make an interesting story without an adult vocabulary or mature themes. It's also got to be condensed and entertaining to a child. Plus, what hasn't been written about for kids? So it's a neat challenge.

For fun, here are my top five favourite children's stories in no particular order with no particular age in mind.

1. The Velveteen Rabbit
2. Good Night Moon
3. Little House On The Prarie
4. The Little Prince
5. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe

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