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C'est l'amour
2005, June 29 - 4:40 p.m.

My one year anniversary with Ross was wonderful. When I got home from work I went to a flower shop and assembled a bouquet for him and got him a vase for it. When I got home I worked on a picture for him that I had been working on in my mind for awhile. I had it framed and went over to his place at 8:00.

When I got there I knew he was making me dinner. I walked in and saw him dressed nicely, the apartment smelled great and I wasn't allowed in the bedroom. I gave him his flowers and vase. I saw he had set up a nice table in the living room and I sat in there and waited for him. There were these pretty blue flowers there. I had told him recently how romantic I thought blue was, romantic and kind of hot. I've always loved blue.

He had made this really good speghetti and garlic paste type thing for bread. At this point I was really impressed with all the effort he had made for dinner and I gave him his picture. It was an abstract graphic art type picture that depicted him and me having sex in a field at night. However, it was abstract enough that he couldn't tell instantly what it was. His reaction when he realized was so great. "...Oh!"

He then came out wtih a small box and inside was this beautiful butterfly pin he had picked up in Paris. It seriously is really pretty. He seems to have really good taste in jewellery. I'm wearing it right now. I love it.

We looked at the pictures we had taken during Pride with our friends. Dear god... I was a little intoxicated. There is a picture of me making the devil sign with my hand, sticking my tongue through and wearing a leather biker's head scarf/hat thing. Evidently a poster will be made of our photo collection and that photo will be centre. Hahaha... le sigh.

We watched Serendipity while drinking champagne and cuddling on the couch. Seriously good champagne too, it was. It was around 1:00 am when we went to bed and I was finally allowed in the bedroom. There were these really beautiful blue curtain drapes hung from the ceiling and white lights strung up one wall with another vase of flowers on the table. Just... wow. It was such a romantic setting and again, I was so impressed at the effort. I couldn't believe how much thought he had put into everything.

I settled in the bed and Ross told me not to get too comfortable and to look in the closet. He had gotten me this awesome blue robe... with lingerie inside. I didn't see it at first and when I did I laughed and pounced him; he lying there on the bed laughing and feeling very proud of himself. He is too cute...

So I tried it all on and came out covered in the robe and laid bck on the bed only to have laid back on a box of 12 chocolates...

I really don't think anyone has ever put so much thought into making me feel special as he has. No, no one at all.

We had amazing sex. Alas, it will be the last of it for almost a week. He's spending the night at his dad's tonight for an early dentist appointment in town the next day and then tomorrow I'm off to Vancouver until Monday night. Five nights without him.

It's not like we haven't spent five nights apart before. We've done that plenty. We've recently spent 14 nights apart and have spent as much as 21 to 23 nights apart. But somehow this is going to be really hard. Maybe it's because this past week I have never felt so close to him. I mean, he's phyically close now in Toronto. But it's also emotionally and sexually and everything...

I have had the most romantic night I've ever had. I've had an incredible week. I'm going on fun trip but oh, I'm going to miss Ross.

C'est l'amour.

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<< tradition - modern >>

Thank You - 2006, June 7
The end - 2006, June 4
Canada Loves Me - 2006, May 31
In and Out - 2006, May 28
Where Have I Been? - 2006, May 25