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Champagne and Candy
2001, October 31 - 2:58 p.m.

Today is Halloween! It's also Brent's and my anniversary. We figured today would be the best day to celebrate because there is no relly way figuring out how or when we really got together. I have always just gone by the beginning fo the month. So yeah ^_^ Tonight we're going to his place where I'll spend the nght. We're gonna (get this) eat Halloween candy, drink champagne and watch the Simpsons Halloween special ^_^;; We're so much alike in some ways. We always agree to do the same kind of fun things. We wanted to do a bed and breakfast but the idea didn't seem very realistic after awhile. But this will be good. I'll also be wearing my old regi (Regiopolis Notre Dame) uniform over cause he likes it. Hey, it's Halloween, why not?

I did wear it today. I was the only one dressed up at all, but it was a fairly casual costume to begin with so no biggie :D I did find out just who did go to a catholic school however ^_^ Kilts will remind people of such things :P There is a guy in my class who also went to Regi (weird, huh?) and it would seem that Regi was the strictest when it came to uniforms. I could have told anyone that though, Regi is a league of uniform nazis.

So I had the strangest dream last night... I gave birth. My mom or at least a symbolic figure of my mom was there. So was Brent. My pregnacy was quick and of course it seemed natural in my dream. Then my water broke, and I could actually feel it. It was really gross! I had a daughter and the word 'girl' flashed in lights. I half wanted to give her up for adoption and half wanted to keep her. She wasn't really a baby by the time I saw her though and this seemed natural too. She was about 3 or 4. Her eys weremulti-coloured depending on the light she was in. It was beautiful. Brent was unhappy about the whole thing but bearing it and no one had told my father yet.

It wasn't a bad dream over all, but I don't think I'll be wanting it to occur again :P

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<< tradition - modern >>

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