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You're the Birthday Boy or Girl
2001, December 4 - 4:01 p.m.

I have been on a diary review kick lately. Why, not, eh? So I get a review back from R-E-V-I-E-Ws and I got a 68/100. I'm thinking, "Hmmm, I wonder what sucks so much about my diary?" So I look at layout and it says 9/20. Poor Celerysticks, methinks! I really didn't know what was wrong with it. But then it said that my diary was a template. I got rid of the diaryland template back in September... then under arrows it said that my previous/next links were screwed up. I looked and they were fine.

There were a few things that I took note of. I decided to get rid of the slambook. No one ever signs it. Plus I agreed that the 'older.html.' font was to big. But I couldn't figure out a way to change it. I have had to re-work my diary from scratch before from changing things around too much. So it will stay. Would anyone who sees the same mistakes that the reviewer did sign my guestbook and tell me? It's frustrating to know that after all the work I've put into this thing, what with the figuring out html and whatnot, that people are possibly seeing what I'm guessing is a diaryland template and a big mess. I wish I knew more about html. I'm really quite clueless.

Oh, yeah, she also said that there was a big mess at the bottom. I thought it was a neat as I coud hope for but to each his own I guess. I have checked my counter and it says I got 25 visitors today. Usually it's 4-9. No doubt today's are because of the review. Well, I expect to get a few more at least. Will the people reading this let me know what you see?

But back to life and away from diary reviewing, I would like to talk about my birthday. I was feeling a little sorry for myself. I was away from home and my family. They couldn't take me out to diinner to embarrass me in front of the restaurant, as is tradition. I got no presents from them, my dad didn't even call, he got Jamie to call me to inform me that he wished me a happy birthday. I wasn't enjoying my birthday at all. Then Brent came and got me around 8. He was feeling pretty happy because he got 90% on his accounting exam. He took me to the liquor store and I bought my first bottle of alcohal (I'm feeling kinda hung over right now. Vodka is good, but it always kills me the next day.) (The whole way there and back we were singing a song from the simspsons, "it's your birthday, it's your birthday, you're the birthday boy or girl!")

Then he did the sweetest thing ever. He bought me a birthday cake =~) I was upset that I haven't had a really birthday cake in years and years. He got me a mint ice cream cake, my absolute favorite. His present was the only thing I have gotten for my birthday and it was chocolate. I'm eating the last of it now ^_^ At his place he indulged my whims and brought me drinks. He made my birthday good. It wouldn't have been nearly as nice as it was if it weren't for him. He's great.

So tomorrow night Steph and Brandy are taking me out to pub night at the cage and after that it's off to Brent's, drunk as a poet on payday. But for now, it's time for 2D design. It must sound like it's always time for 2D design ^_^;;

(*I decided to write an update under my most recent entry. I had e-mailed the reviewer about the layout thing. I wanted to find out for sure if all she saw was a template. That could mean an error in her browser or something. She said something about 1 point extra. *sigh* I was more concerned about a template showing up rather than the nifty feet design. I didn't care about the score. So she was no help and I continue to wonder if this is somehow something I can fix or if it's just her browser that is screwy. Or maybe there is just something else I don't understand. She sounded annoyed in her e-mail, asking if it were an attempt to change her mind. I just wanted to get more info on the template issue >;/

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<< tradition - modern >>

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The end - 2006, June 4
Canada Loves Me - 2006, May 31
In and Out - 2006, May 28
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