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2001, December 7 - 7:38 p.m.

I didn't sleep last night. I was online until 4 am. Then I read a book. Why did I do this? I'm not entirely sure.. I had the feeling that trying to sleep would be futile because of my incredibly lazy day of laying around and sleeping. Plus I felt really bad about Steph's purse and keys. It was in all, not a good recipe for sleep. The book I wound up reading was Icy Sparks. It's about a girl with Tourrettes Syndrome back in a time when no one knew what it was. It should have been a good book, but it wasn't all that great. The ending bothers me and the girl's tourettes isn't that believable. But I had a hankering to read it again, as is what I do with books, so I read halfway through the book, stopping at 7 to call Steph. She confirmed that there was no class at 8 and I told her I'd bring her stuff with me to the 2 o'clock class. I then went to sleep until 1:30 pm. I'm certain my sleeping patterns have been severly damaged by all this. Yes, I did it to myself.

3D Design was pretty nice, as it always is, except for the clay we're using. It dries to your hand in a matter of minutes and it feels terrible. No one really likes that clay very much. I'll be happy to say goodbye to it. As it turns out, however, I'm doing quite well in that class. Today I got a 17/20 for my blocked in model for my hand study ^_^ and I got a B+ on my last assignment. Hurray!

But on to other less important but still fun things, I have been playing neopets like there is no tomorrow. I have recently bought land on Faerie Island for my pet's neohome. If you want the web addy for nep pets, or want to know what they look like, go to my links section. I have put up a link/pic of my neopet and the neopets homepage. If you sign up, I get a referral point ^_^ Warning's very addictive!

Anyhow, I'm spending the night at Brent's this evening so I must get ready to go soon. It must sound like I'm always doing that, but really, I only spend the night twice a week; Wednesdays and Fridays ^_^

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<< tradition - modern >>

Thank You - 2006, June 7
The end - 2006, June 4
Canada Loves Me - 2006, May 31
In and Out - 2006, May 28
Where Have I Been? - 2006, May 25