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Life is Grand
2001, December 27 - 7:45 p.m.

It's been a mad house today. Will the craziness ever end?

My dad and brother got into a huge fight. Over what you ask? Cat food. Jamie didn't tell dad that we were out and dad was pissed off more then one should be over such a thing. My brother brushed him off and dad had a fit and told him to get out. Over Cat food. What ensued next was a battle. They argued back and forth, Jamie telling dad to grow up and and dad blatently ignoring him as rudely as possible. Over Cat food, yes. Dad turned off the water so that Jamie coldn't have a shower. I turned the water back on and Dad pushed me out of the way and turned the water back off. There was a physical confrontation between my dad and Jamie. It would seem that no one is allowed to push me but Jamie. Not to mention, Dad was getting a little pushy with Jamie. I screamed as loudly as possible, hoping to get them to stop, which they did. My throat hurts. When Jamie fills out, dad is no longer going to be able to do that. Jamie is almost 6' and my dad is 5'6. Dad should be more careful.

*sigh* It's been rough. We all left the situation and I retreated to my room to wait for Brent to pick me up. I couldn't help but stew over the things dad said. I'm certain that you can't kick a kid out at the age of 16 over something like cat food and not expect to still financially responsible for that kid. Dad thought he could just toss Jamie out. There are laws to protect people like Jamie from people like my dad.

Dad doesn't seem to be aware that all child-welfare laws will look after the child's best interests before the adult's. I was pretty certain that laws are not set up to make a bad parent's life easier on him at the expense of his child. He isn't quite aware we are living in the year 2001. He's still stuck in 1969.

So Brent and I went to the Cat. Centre and I got all of that badness off my chest. I bought a shirt and a pair of really cool new shoes. They're blue and they lace up to the side and they're oh, so wonderful.

I had to deposit a check into my TD account for $1000 for next year's expenses and I didn't want to carry that big of a check around with me for any amount of time and I asked Brent if he could take me to the TD by my house before we went back to my place. He really didn't want to; he hates driving, especially in this kind of bad weather; snow, wind and the like. He was pretty irritated with me. He didn't see why I couldn't just leave it in my room. I would, but the thought makes me terribly nervous.

He called when he got home and appologized for being snippy; such is the sweetheart he is.

We're planning on going out tonight, it depends quite a bit on if we can spend the night at Christina's. I haven't been able to get a hold of her yet and likely wont be able to for another 15-30 minutes. I'll be going regardless if Brent can't go, I am meeting Sam and Krystal from work at AJ's at 10:30 so... It would be nice if Brent went and we spent the night at Christina's. I really miss spending the night with him. Waking up beside him is wonderful and comforting. But if he can't go, I'll just be coming back home and sleeping in my own bed, which has it's own rewards.

My brother isn't here, I've noticed. I wonder what happened while I left. Dad is being very nice to me...I would ask where Jamie is but if the case is that he's kicked out for the night I don't want to hear him rant about it.


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<< tradition - modern >>

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