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A farewell to Ms. Useless
2003, December 22 - 10:02 p.m.

Remember when I mentioned this? Well, they're gone. The mom and her daughter. Thank God and good ridance.

My feelings on her have soured over time, especially during this Crhistmas break. This woman did the bare minimum for her kid. She spent every waking moment on the internet.

Her two year old needs food, she makes it. Needs changing, she changes her. Needs a bath, she bathes her. Other than that...nothing. She doesn't take her to the park or for walks. They never go outside because the mom said all her kid wants to do is watch movies.

Her kid is two. Her kid doesn't get to decide what is best for herself. What a lame ass shitty excuse for being a lazy as hell parent.

So many times, I heard the little girl asking her mom to pay attention to her, to see her picture, to play with her, to do something... But this woman would just shrug her off and continue staring at the computer screen.

She was too lazy to clean up as well. I mean this woman is a stay at home mom. It is her job and duty as a stay at home mom to work towards the betterment of her child. That's why you stay at home rather than send your kids to a daycare if you're a stay at home mom - you stay at home because you feel that it is the better choice for you and your child. If you make that choice, it is your responsibility to do everything you can to be a good mother.

You read to your children, make them nutricious food, take them outside so they can get some exercise and meet other children, you provide a clean, safe house for them.

You should have seen what a disaster area this place was. she never lifted a finger to do anything around the house, though she had all the time in the world since she wasn't spending any of that time actually raising her child. She left everything for Aunt Anne-Marie to clean up while she had cybersex on the internet, and no I'm not just pulling that one out of my ass.

But she's gone now. Back to whence she came and Mike still wants to continue a relationship with her. I think he has got to be nuts. She is not a catch. I'm just happy I never have to see her sorry, lazy, useless ass again.


Well, that's out of my system. Wanna hear something else? Something gross and horrible? I had my first pap today and it was the worst experience ever. It is a terrible right of passage for a woman and is worse than getting a period. A period lasts days but with a tampon, you can easily ignore it until it goes away. This was excruciatingly uncomfortable and miserable time and I never want one again. I plan to avoid them as much as possible for the rest of my life.

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The end - 2006, June 4
Canada Loves Me - 2006, May 31
In and Out - 2006, May 28
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