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No Smoking! Gah!
2003, December 28 - 7:36 p.m.


Uncle John has been smoking in the house like a chimney. It�s getting really out of hand. I know it�s his house and I try to keep quiet about it but it bothers me so much. It�s such a rude thing to do � smoking in front of people who don�t smoke. I mean, it�s not just something that stinks and will make me stink and dry out my eyes and make them water. It�s not just something that will make me cough and my throat itch. I mean, it�s actual poison that he is pumping into my body. He does it around guests, in the car and whenever and wherever he pleases.

It drives me crazy. Aunt Anne-Marie doesn�t smoke and it bothers her too but that doesn�t stop him. Today I asked if we could air out the house because it smelled bad. I could see the smoke hanging in the air through the sunbeams. The air was noticeably grayer and it was making me sick to my stomach, never mind the headache I was getting.

So we opened the windows and turned the heat down and 30 minutes later when the air in the house is a bit cleaner, he goes and lights up another friggin� cigarette.

He�s having guests over tonight and they don�t smoke either. That was a benefit to airing the house out but he�s smoking� I don�t get it, I just don�t get it.

He used to smoke outdoors, on the deck or the front porch. I think that was better. He had further to go and more work to do in order to smoke. He was less likely to do it. Now, he just reaches over and grabs a smoke and goes ahead right in the living room. The furniture smells bad and if I�m in there with him for over five minutes, he has a smoke. It gives me headaches.

It just insults me so much. He knows second hand smoke is brutal on the body, he knows it can give him, me and his wife cancer, he knows it stinks. Plus, many new studies all over the news say that it�s twice as bad for women as it is for men. Women are more likely to get cancer and other bad second hand smoke diseases. And yet he still continues.

My dad does too. I ingest so much poison through the two of them it�s unbelievable. I mean I make a conscious choice not to smoke and they both go ahead and choose something else for me. I say no to poison, they force it into my system.

I hate smoking so much. I despise it. The whole concept of it really pisses me off. It�s rude, disgusting, dangerous, self indulgent garbage. I know girls who have taken I up when they were 15, 16, 18. What the damn hell? Just actively started smoking. Is there anything a person can do that is more stupid? Hmm� I�ve been too healthy these days, I could really use some cancer and so can those around me�

I mean, according to the news there are links with tobacco smoke to breast cancer for god�s sake. If those two could be linked, what else is there? Ovarian? Like the kind of cancer my mom died from? I mean Cancer, no matter how you get it or where is a ruthless, terrible disease that destroys you from the inside out. The idea that anyone would put other people or themselves at risk of that by smoking is deplorable and despicable to me.

Frankly, when people smoke around me they are telling me that they could give a rat�s ass if I get cancer or not.

God, anyone who would put shit in their system like that and pay to do it should just eat some rat poison and get it over with quickly. At least then they wouldn�t be killing other people in the process.

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