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Perverted Justice
2004, April 22 - 10:41 p.m.

Yesterday I was complaining about the Go train. I hate it. I don't like being squished next to people for 45 minutes. I don't like being on a train for 45 minutes to begin with. I don't like having to take anther mode of trnaportation to actually get to the train. I don't like paying $160 for a monthly pass. I don't like that if I miss the train, I have to wait for another half hour to an hour before I can catch another one.

So I missed the train today. My alarm didn't work and I woke up facing it. 8:15. My train was just leaving. Gah...

It was the beginning of an interesting day. I worked in the same area as Whitney today and she was chatty and I was chatty. We didn't get a whole lot finished. I'm usually much more productive. I kind of prefer being productive, but today was a nice sort of break.

I also went to my first photo shoot. It was pretty spiffy. I can't wait to see the next issue with those shots. Just to see how much photo shop goes into the shots.

I also learned that Britney Spear's music videos are alterred. That is they vertically stretch the film to make her taller and thinner. The things you learn during an internship.

Nothing is ever what it seems, you know? Magazines are cool, but they're all just illusions. Pretty artwork of women that can't exist.

It's a bad atmosphere though. I wonder if has anything to do wtih the fact that during every lunch, all of the women talk about weight watchers, atkins and the south beach diet. They talk about their strategies and goals... most don't even need to lose weight. They just need to maintain. It's kind of depressing in a way. It can be difficult to hear pretty women talk about food issues.

I think it's terrble how focused they are, and how focused I know I am. I try to curb it.

In other unrelated news, check out this site.

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<< tradition - modern >>

Thank You - 2006, June 7
The end - 2006, June 4
Canada Loves Me - 2006, May 31
In and Out - 2006, May 28
Where Have I Been? - 2006, May 25