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2005, March 11 - 6:50 p.m.

I have so much on my mind, but what I'm focusing on right now is my degree. I really, really want to get it. I just don't know what to do and the only person who could really help me is Brent.

He's finishing his degree at Athabasca and has put his college credits towards finishing it. That is what I want to do. He's the only person I know who is doing that and he's already offered to help me.

Part of me feels bad about it. I don't know how he feels about me. I don't know if he will read more in to my needing his help than is actually there. I just don't see a choice. The school gave me a complicated answer that didn't answer any of my questions. The career centre at Sheridan was next to useless.

But yeah. I want to make this happen. I really want to make this happen. But not until I talk to Brent about it.

I want to teach in Japan. I've been interested in that for many years now. Thing is, I've got a good job at a major media place in the city and moving up and around is easy, once you're in the building, which I am.

So I'd be giving that up if I go. But I still want to option. Plus, I want to be able to have other options in other media outlets and I know a communications degree would help.

Ross and I talked about Japan. I didn't even ask him if he'd go with me, I just assumed that I wouldn't go because I couldn't bear to leave him for a year. He had already assumed he would just go with me and live in Japan for a year.


Seriously, that blew me away. He didn't even consider the thought of taking a break or trying long distance or anything. He just said, as though it was nothing more than obvious, that if I went to Japan, he would go with me.

Granted, I don't know how easy that would be. He doesn't have a completed post secondary education so he can't teach there. Thus he'd have to get some other kind of Visa for a year. I think they only go to six months. Secondly, Japanese apartments are small. I don't how how well he'd get around in one.

Nor could we easily live together because a comapny wouldn't provide a place for a teacher plus a non teacher, or would they? I doubt it. And how easy would it be to find a wheelchair accessible place in Japan from Canada?

See, the whole idea has many complications.

But I'm still so touched and happy and I honestly felt this wave of, just, love and trust wash over me when he said he would go where I go. At the very least, if I don't get there, the talk about it really made me feel amazing.

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<< tradition - modern >>

Thank You - 2006, June 7
The end - 2006, June 4
Canada Loves Me - 2006, May 31
In and Out - 2006, May 28
Where Have I Been? - 2006, May 25