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<< tradition - modern >>

2005, June 10 - 2:06 p.m.

Here are a few numbers: 8, 12, 18, 20.

Nope, not lottery numbers, just some things to look forward to this month.

Eight days until I go to a wedding with Ross. It's for one of his friends. Now, I really enjoy weddings. I always find them fun, romantic and overall very enjoyable. Plus I'll get to wear a cute pink dress I've not had the chance to wear out yet.

I don't like crowds of people, especially crowds where I know nobody (Who does though, right? Though I've noticed some people don't care or it doesn't bother them as much as it does me). But Ross and I can dance and it will be a nice change of pace and all that jazz.

12 days until Ross moves into his apartment. It's not the final move, only his stuff will be going in, but it's an important date all the same. It's the mark of him finally living here, moving here and a new era in our relationship. A local boyfriend will be interesting, we'll have spent the first full year of our relationship living in different cities.

Which brings me to 18. 18 more days until it's been a solid year since I kissed Ross for the first time and we began our relationship.

20 days from now I go to Vancouver for the second time ever/this year to see my Aunt Debbie. This time Christina will be there too. We're all going to be bunked up at Aunt Debbie's, or so I understand. I'm looking forward to this, especially since I'll likely not be able to go again until next Easter.

And that will end June. July will be a little rough. Ross will be settling in, going on his own trip to Vancouver for a week, playing in a sledge hockey tournament and whatever else. Funny that his first month of living in the city I'll probably be seeing him less.

August will be nice though. For our two-week trip during my vacation we've settled on Vienna and Dublin. Yay for Ireland! I'm pretty happy about this. We just need to get tickets and whatnot.

I like having things to look forward to.

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<< tradition - modern >>

Thank You - 2006, June 7
The end - 2006, June 4
Canada Loves Me - 2006, May 31
In and Out - 2006, May 28
Where Have I Been? - 2006, May 25